Ingrown Toe Nail Bracing

Nail bracing may be appropriate when an ingrown or problematic nail can be corrected with conservative management using a specialized nail brace applied by your podiatrist. This treatment is an alternative to ingrown toenail surgery. This intervention can be performed in the clinic with PediSafe products and the patient can walk in and out and continue with activities like sport.

The purpose of nail bracing is to gently encourage normal growth of the nail and to reduce the likelihood of the condition reoccurring. Ingrown toenails are often due to excessive curvature or a deformed nail plate.

Nail bracing corrects the shape of the nail as it grows out, therefore reducing the pain caused by the pressure being put on the nail bed.

You can contact your podiatrist to find out more information about nail bracing to see if it is right for you.

Cost: Nail bracing costs $50 in addition to the appointment fee

Book an appointment with our experienced podiatrist in Bondi Junction