Injection Therapy

What is injection therapy?

Prolotherapy, otherwise known as injection therapy occurs when an agent (such as dextrose, local anesthetic, or saline) is injected into a chronically injured region to elicit an immune response. A qualified podiatrist can inject these agents to promote healing and increase blood flow to the area. Injecting may regenerate injured structures by causing the immune system to send regenerative cells to the area and take the injured area from a chronic phase of healing to an acute phase of healing.

It is important to note that you will need to undergo an assessment prior to injection therapy treatment in our Bondi Junction podiatry clinic to ensure that this procedure is suitable for you.

When is injection therapy used?

Bondi Podiatry uses injection therapy for localised nerve pain and other conditions in the foot. Some of these conditions include neuromas, adhesions, intermetatarsal bursitis, plantar fasciitis (heel pain), tarsal tunnel syndrome. Our Sydney podiatrist has completed additional training in injection therapy to conduct this treatment safely and effectively for the right patient. Our lead podiatrist Zahava Robinson is also endorsed for the prescription of scheduled medicines and can safely administer cortisone injections if indicated.

What is the procedure for injection therapy?

The treatment plan for all injuries is to treat the cause and remove mechanical load from an injury if possible with treatment options such as exercises and orthoses. Most injuries will respond to conservative treatment. If this treatment fails or is slow then prolotherapy (injection therapy) may be considered appropriate for the patient.

The podiatrists at Bondi Podiatry are trained in the safe delivery of injections for a wide variety of conditions. The clinic uses techniques that make most injections comfortable or tolerable.

Anywhere from 2-6 treatments may be necessary depending on the area or level of pain.

What happens after the injection?

You may need someone to drive you home due to local aneasthetic resulting in numbness in your feet. When the anesthetic wears off there is likely to be some pain in the area for 2-3 days, resulting from the intended inflammation created by the injection.

How long does it take to work?

Nerve pain may resolve immediately or take multiple treatments to resolve.

Ligaments and tendons generally take approximately 3 months from the commencement of an inflammatory response to repair and remodel. 

Please note that this treatment is not suitable or effective for everyone.

injection therapy bondi podiatry bondi junction podiatrist sydney