What is Plantar Fasciitis?


Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia which is located at the bottom of your feet. The plantar fascia’s origin is from the calcaneus (heel bone) and inserts to your toes. Plantar fasciitis can cause pain which is usually felt under the heel bone. The more technical term for this chronic condition is plantar fasciopathy, which refers to pain in the fascia, as a blood test is needed to confirm inflammation. However, we will refer to the more popular description, Plantar Fasciitis.

Why do I get heel pain in the morning or after rest?

Plantar fasciitis often causes heel pain which is worse in the morning or after resting. This is known as “first-step pain.” It is thought that the reason for this pain is the result of micro-tearing when you first place a load on the plantar fascia.

When at rest, the plantar fascia undergoes fibrosis which is the formation of scar tissue. When a person gets up and starts walking, the scar tissue is torn and causes pain. This tearing will often occur at the heel bone (calcaneus). The pain will ease after the first 10 steps as the tearing reduces. Plantar fasciitis can often flare after extended periods of activity, not only after rest. Some people who have recently started a health kick and are increasing their activity may also be affected by this condition.

How can I find my plantar fascia?

You can feel the fascia along the arch of your foot, it is a rope-like tissue that will become more prominent when your lift up your big toe.

Why is the plantar fascia so important?

The plantar fascia is an important connective tissue that stabilizes your arch when you are walking and enables you to push off properly to your next step. It is the longest ligament in your body and very strong as it can hold 30 times your body weight.

Plantar Fasciitis is a common condition related to heel pain, however, it can be commonly misdiagnosed. It is always important to have an accurate diagnosis to ensure you receive the most suitable treatment based on your condition.

Looking for a Podiatrist in Bondi Junction to treat your heel pain?

BOOK ONLINE for an assessment or call (02) 8971 1682

What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

Symptoms include: feeling a sharp pain when standing, dull ache when resting, worse in the morning or after sitting for a while and after extended periods of activity. It often hurts more under your heel, however, it can hurt anywhere on the bottom of your foot towards your toes (as the plantar fascia runs along the bottom of your foot).

What causes plantar fasciitis?

New shoes, increased activity, overuse injuries, and standing for long periods can cause micro-tearing in your plantar fascia. This starts the process of inflammation and scar formation.

Who is more likely to be affected by plantar fasciitis?

  • Those who have changed jobs

  • People who have started a health kick

  • Women and men over 40

  • People with a history of foot and sports injuries

What are the best shoes for plantar fasciitis?

The best shoes to relieve plantar fasciitis pain is a comfortable, supportive shoe with cushioning under the heel.

You can also relieve the symptoms by massaging the bottom of your foot with an exercise ball, tennis ball, or golf ball. If pain persists book an appointment with an experienced podiatrist.

What are the treatment options for plantar fasciitis?

Podiatrists are foot experts who can provide the best treatments for plantar fasciitis. Our podiatrists at Bondi Podiatry have an interest in treating plantar fasciitis.

Treatment options include:

  • Your podiatrist can order an X-ray or ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis, however, usually, this is unnecessary as your podiatrist can diagnose this condition during a biomechanical assessment.

  • Provide footwear advice so that you wear the right shoes to reduce pain and encourage healing.

  • Advice on whether a Strassburg Sock is suitable

  • Providing plantar fasciitis exercises that are specifically proven to reduce pain

  • Make custom orthotics to offload the plantar fascia

  • Taping the plantar fascia to reduce the load on the fascia and promote healing

  • Provide advice on modifying activity and training to promote healing

How long does it take for plantar fasciitis to heal?

If treated when symptoms first start it can respond quickly to taping and exercises and resolve within a couple of weeks. However, if left untreated it may be more resistant to treatment and may take longer to treat, and may require more extensive treatment.


Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that causes heel pain, our experts at Bondi Podiatry can help people treat and manage plantar fasciitis so they can get back on their feet!

We treat feet from all over Sydney, particularly the Eastern Suburbs. As podiatrists in Bondi Junction, we are happy to treat anyone that comes to our Sydney clinic. Our local area includes Bondi Junction, Bondi, Bondi Beach, North Bondi, Rose Bay, Tamarama, Coogee, Randwick, Bellevue Hill, Dover Heights, Vaucluse, and Edgecliff.


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