Running Tips for the City2Surf: How to Prepare and Perform Your Best

City2Surf Marathon podiatrist

The City2Surf is one of Sydney's most iconic running events, attracting thousands of participants each year. Whether you're an experienced runner or a first-timer, preparing for this 14 km run from Sydney's CBD to Bondi Beach requires thoughtful planning and training. Here are some essential tips to help you prepare, stay injury-free, and perform your best on race day.

1. Start Your Training Early

Training for a 14 km run isn't something you can cram into the last few weeks before the event. Ideally, you should start your training 8-12 weeks before the race to build up your stamina and strength gradually.

- Establish a Routine: Consistency is key. Aim to run 3-4 times a week, gradually increasing your distance and intensity.

- Mix Up Your Workouts: Incorporate a mix of long runs, interval training, and hill runs to build endurance, speed, and strength.

2. Focus on Your Footwear

Wearing the right running shoes is crucial for preventing injuries and ensuring comfort during the race.

- Get Fitted Properly: Visit a podiatrist for footwear recommendation and running store to have your gait analyzed and be fitted for the right shoe. Your shoes should provide adequate support, especially if you have any existing foot issues such as flat feet or overpronation.

- Break in Your Shoes: Never run a race in brand-new shoes. Make sure you've logged several kilometers in your race-day shoes to break them in properly.

3. Incorporate Strength Training

Strength training is often overlooked by runners, but it’s vital for improving performance and preventing injuries.

- Focus on Key Muscle Groups: Strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and core to enhance your running efficiency and stability.

- Include Functional Exercises: Exercises like lunges, squats, and planks can help build the muscle strength and endurance needed for running.

4. Pay Attention to Nutrition

Fueling your body correctly before, during, and after your runs is essential for maintaining energy levels and aiding recovery.

- Pre-Run Nutrition: A balanced meal with carbs, protein, and fats 2-3 hours before your run will help sustain your energy.

- Hydration: Stay hydrated, but avoid drinking too much water right before the race to prevent cramping. Instead, sip water consistently in the days leading up to the event.

- Race-Day Fueling: Consider carrying energy gels or chews if you expect to be running for more than an hour.

5. Practice Hill Running

The City2Surf course is famous for its hills, particularly the notorious "Heartbreak Hill," a 2 km incline that starts around the halfway mark.

- Hill Training: Incorporate hill workouts into your training to build strength and endurance. Practice running both up and down hills to get used to the demands on your muscles and joints.

- Pacing: Don't start too fast on race day. Save some energy for Heartbreak Hill and the remaining distance.

6. Stretch and Recover

Proper recovery is just as important as your training sessions.

- Stretch Regularly: Incorporate dynamic stretches before your runs and static stretches afterward to maintain flexibility and prevent injuries.

- Use Recovery Tools: Foam rolling, massage, and rest days are crucial for keeping your muscles in top condition.

- Cross-Training: Consider low-impact activities like swimming or cycling on your non-running days to give your legs a break while maintaining your fitness.

7. Race Day Strategy

Having a plan for race day can make a big difference in how you perform.

- Pace Yourself: Start slower than your usual pace to conserve energy, especially if you’re not familiar with the course.

- Stay Positive: The energy of the crowd and the scenic views can be exhilarating. Use that positive energy to push through any tough spots.

- Know the Course: Familiarize yourself with the course map, especially the challenging sections. Mentally preparing for those can help you tackle them more effectively.

8. Consider Your Post-Race Recovery

What you do after the race is just as important as your preparation.

- Cool Down: After crossing the finish line, take time to cool down with a slow walk and some light stretching.

- Refuel: Eat a balanced meal within an hour of finishing to replenish your energy stores and kickstart recovery.

- Hydrate: Drink plenty of water or a sports drink to replace lost fluids and electrolytes.

9. Take Care of Your Feet

Running 14 km can take a toll on your feet, especially on a challenging course like City2Surf.

- Blister Prevention: Wear moisture-wicking socks to prevent blisters. Applying a blister prevention balm to high-friction areas can also help.

- Post-Race Foot Care: After the race, check your feet for any signs of blisters, bruising, or pain. Consider soaking your feet in warm water to soothe any soreness.

10. Seek Professional Help If Needed

If you experience any pain or discomfort during your training, it’s important to address it early.

- Podiatrist Consultation: At Bondi Podiatry, we can assess your gait, provide custom orthotics, and address any foot or lower limb issues that may arise during your training. Whether it’s a persistent blister, a painful callus, or an injury, our team is here to help you stay on track and perform your best.


Preparing for the City2Surf requires dedication, consistency, and the right strategy. By following these tips and paying attention to your body’s needs, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the course and enjoying one of Sydney’s most beloved running events. Remember, if you have any concerns about your feet or running mechanics, don’t hesitate to reach out to Bondi Podiatry. We’re here to help you cross the finish line strong and healthy.


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