4 tips for choosing cricket shoes

Its cricket season and with it comes a feverish love for the game. Its important to wear the right shoes when playing the legendary game of cricket.

cricket bondi podiatry
  1. You need an upper which limits movement and does not allow the foot to budge, but with enough flexibility to move when batting.

  2. Bowlers and batsman need traction to run and land at the wicket, such as flat outsoles with plenty of spikes for gripping so they can run.

  3. Both bowlers and batsman need a cushioned midsole, this is more important when bowling but is a big factor in comfort.

  4. Fit is everything! Its important to ensure the shoe fits correctly so that it provides support throughout the game.

We treat feet from all over Sydney, particularly the Eastern Suburbs. As podiatrists in Bondi Junction, we are happy to treat anyone that comes to our Sydney clinic. Our local area includes Bondi Junction, Bondi, Bondi Beach, North Bondi, Rose Bay, Tamarama, Coogee, Randwick, Bellevue Hill, Dover Heights, Vaucluse, and Edgecliff.


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