Bondi Podiatry

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Nipping Chilblains in the Bud: A Guide to Winter Foot Care

Winter in Bondi may not be as harsh as in some regions, but even our coastal haven isn't immune to chilly weather. Chilblains, an uncomfortable and itchy condition, can affect our feet when exposed to the cold. In this blog post, we'll explore what chilblains are, their causes, and effective strategies for managing and preventing them for optimal foot health.

Understanding Chilblains:

Chilblains, also known as pernio or perniosis, are small, itchy, and painful swellings on the skin. They typically occur on the extremities, such as the toes, when the skin is exposed to cold and damp conditions. Bondi may not experience extreme cold, but even milder winter temperatures can contribute to chilblains.

Causes of Chilblains:

1. Cold Weather: Exposure to cold temperatures, especially combined with high humidity, can trigger chilblains.

2. Poor Circulation: Individuals with poor blood circulation are more susceptible to chilblains.

3. Tight Footwear: Wearing tight shoes or boots that restrict blood flow to the toes can contribute to chilblains.

4. Sudden Temperature Changes: Rapid transitions from cold to warm environments can also play a role.

Managing Chilblains - Tips from Bondi Podiatry:

1. **Keep Feet Warm and Dry:**

- Wear warm socks and choose insulated, breathable footwear.

- Ensure feet are thoroughly dry before putting on socks and shoes.

2. **Maintain Good Circulation:**

- Avoid tight or constrictive footwear.

- Engage in regular foot exercises to promote blood flow.

3. **Protective Measures:**

- Apply a barrier cream or petroleum jelly to protect the skin from harsh weather.

- Use toe warmers or heated insoles in extreme cold.

4. **Warm-Up Gradually:**

- When coming indoors from the cold, allow your feet to warm up gradually instead of exposing them to direct heat.

5. **Avoid Scratching:**

- Resist the urge to scratch chilblains, as it can worsen the condition and lead to infection.

6. **Seek Professional Advice:**

- If chilblains persist or become severe, consult a podiatrist at Bondi Podiatry for expert guidance and treatment.

Preventing Chilblains in Bondi's Winter:

- Dress appropriately for the weather, considering both warmth and breathability.

- Keep feet clean and dry, paying attention to the areas between toes.

- Maintain good overall circulation through regular exercise and a balanced diet.


While Bondi's winter may be milder, chilblains can still pose a challenge for foot health. By following these tips and seeking professional advice when needed, you can manage and prevent chilblains, ensuring your feet stay comfortable and healthy throughout the cooler months.

Contact Bondi Podiatry for personalized advice and effective solutions to keep your feet in top shape, even during the chillier times of the year.